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What Is Executive Function?

Writer's picture: Denise BrodeyDenise Brodey

Sometimes a term we use every day in the learning disability world can be a game changer in the corporate world. Executive Functioning is a perfect example. I talk about it a lot in corporate training for managers. (But, just like my friend who teaches yoga to busy finance executives and calls it 'thought management training', I don't tell anyone the genesis of the term until near the end of the class.) You've gotta meet people where they are, right?

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EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS: What Managers Can Do To Create New Systems That Are Less Biased and More Efficient for All Kinds of Thinkers

· Organization: How we arrange our lives externally (material things) and internally (our thoughts)

· Planning: Deciding what to do when and who will play a role

· Prioritization: The why part of planning. What’s most important and how to order our lives to achieve it

· Management: This mostly involves managing time, but it can also include managing our thoughts and our internal sense of emotional balance

· Goal Setting: A plan of action that helps us gain traction and feel confident and successful

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